“The Simpsons” shocked viewers in October when ... The special follows the chaos that ensues as Homer is hypnotized into believing he’s Santa Claus. For the show’s real series finale ...
Even though "Homer at the Bat" remains the consensus favorite sports episode for many Simpsons fans, there have been football ones such as "Bart Star" and "Lisa The Greek." There also was a Super ...
Lisa Simpson, the uber-smart daughter of Homer and Marge Simpson, gave a much-needed pep talk to the Bengals locker room ahead of their primetime matchup. "Friends! Family! Coaches! And various ...
Since its inception over three decades ago, from episodes like “Lisa the Greek,” “Homer at the Bat” and “Bart Star,” Fox’s iconic animated comedy series “The Simpsons” has been ...
Even though “Homer at the Bat” remains the consensus favorite sports episode for many Simpsons fans, there have been football ones such as “Bart Star” and “Lisa The Greek.” There also ...