Oberholzer-Gee, Felix, and Dennis Yao. "Market Imperfections and Sustainable Competitive Advantage." Chap. 12 in Oxford Handbook of Managerial Economics, by Christopher R. Thomas and William F.
The inability of both small and large competitors to replicate Canadoil’s “One Stop Shop” business model provides the company with a sustainable competitive advantage. The other pivotal strategy ...
In the business world, these moats characterize sustainable competitive advantages that shield a company's profits from marauding competitors. But what constitutes an economic moat and ...
Below are five disruptive shifts reshaping the corporate world in 2025. The idea of a sustainable competitive advantage is crumbling under the weight of today’s hyper-disruptive world.
Urbanization presents a great opportunity for economic growth and poverty reduction in the country. In the Philippines Urbanization Review: Fostering Competitive, Sustainable and Inclusive Cities, the ...