Robin Hood begins its 44-show run at the Little Theatre on December 13. The six-strong professional cast are joined by 21 local youngsters as dancers, henchmen, and villagers. The show is set in ...
When the Sheriff of Nottingham constructs a naughty plan to destroy Sherwood Forest to build her own mega mansion, Robin Hood and his Merry ... dancing and pantomime fun for all the family ...
When the Sheriff of Nottingham constructs a naughty plan to destroy Sherwood Forest to build her own mega mansion, Robin Hood and his Merry ... dancing and pantomime fun for all the family ...
As shops and radio stations start playing Christmas music and lights go up on High Streets, it must mean one thing: panto ...
Further casting has been revealed for The London Palladium’s pantomime Robin Hood. Also on stage at the Palladium this year will be Marisha Wallace and Tosh Wanogho-Maud, as the Sheriff of Nottingham ...
Two new directors will take the helm for this year’s family pantomime, Robin Hood and his Merry Men, at Bolton Little Theatre ...
This year's show will tell the familiar story of Robin Hood and his men trying to save the poor from the Sheriff ... Simon Irving will take on the role of the Sheriff of Nottingham. He said: "He’s the ...