As many of you know, I taught Physical Education for a few years. For the dodgeball record, I was never a certified PE ...
The Portsmouth Fire Department bested the Portsmouth Police Department in an exciting game of dodgeball Friday evening at Portsmouth High School. The charity event helped support Gather’s ...
The game comes naturally to 7-year-old ... Kids from more than 20 schools across the 19th Ward compete in the dodgeball tournament each year. "It just reinforces what a great community we have ...
Calling all youth groups. Assemble your 10-person team and sign up for the 2nd annual Middle school Dodgeball Tournament at the Cambridge Intermediate School Auditorium gym. Each team must include ...
"The actual physical exertion that the players give when you watch them - it's far more than just a game." Dodgeball is played as a bit of fun in schools across the country. But last year ...