Even though this project is just the result of software developers getting bored at their job, there’s a lot of potential in the 3D scanning abilities of ReconstructMe. ReconstructMe is a ...
If you're looking for an article on how to scan a document in a Windows computer then you've come to the right place. Being able to quickly and easily scan physical documents is really help for ...
Google on Thursday announced the release of OSV-SCALIBR (Software Composition Analysis LIBRary), an open source library for software composition analysis. Released as an open source Go library, the ...
With three years spent researching, comparing, and testing software products, Tyler Webb is an expert on all things telecommunications. With work featured on GetVoIP.com, he's written over 150 ...
With BizConnect, you can also create custom tags and notes for each contact and export your contacts to Excel or other CRM software. Contact Snapper is an iPhone business card scanner app that ...
The EID software package comes with an option of Elemental Mapping and Line Scan function. Elemental mapping shows the distribution of elements within the sample. The prior selected elements for the ...
"It's an honor to be recognized as a leading microfilm scanner by librarians,” says Matt Anderson, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for ST Imaging. "The eleventh consecutive Modern Library Award ...
The recent clearance and a previous clearance together allow the use of Paige's FullFocus digital pathology image viewing software with scanners by Philips, Leica, and Hamamatsu.