Marks & Spencer's £39 polka dot dress that 'covers a round tummy' A rash on one or both cheeks plus a high temperature, runny nose, sore throat and headache may be slapped cheek syndrome.
Patients with rosacea usually have background telangiectasia and facial flushing and their eruption is distributed more broadly, affecting the cheeks, nose, and forehead. Contact dermatitis ...
But did you know that a bright red rash on the cheeks can also be the result of a viral infection? One such cause is slapped cheek disease, a viral illness that primarily affects children and ...
is characterized by a pink facial rash — the ”slapped cheek” — and, occasionally, joint pain and a body rash. For many kids, the illness presents similarly to other seasonal illnesses and includes a ...
In their first year, babies typically develop rashes or spots that are totally harmless. “Milk spots, also known as milia, are small, flat, yellow pimples that appear over the nose and cheeks, and are ...