Ranbir’s sister, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, her husband, Bharat Sahni, and their daughter, Samara Sahni, shared the evening’s joy. Alia’s mother, Soni Razdan, also joined the festivities.( ...
In the first photo, Alia was seen smiling with joy as Ranbir kissed her on the cheek. Meanwhile, their little munchkin, Raha, had a serious and suspicious look towards the selfie camera.
The picture captures Ranbir and Neetu Kapoor in playful poses, alongside Alia Bhatt. A sweet Instagram video shows Ranbir embracing Alia at midnight, spreading joy and warmth on social media.
Alia Bhatt shares adorable pics from Thailand vacation with husband Ranbir Kapoor plants sweet kiss in selfie with daughter Raha. Alia Bhatt has delighted fans with an adorable collection of ...
Raha Kapoor, daughter of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, is the definition of cuteness overload and her latest images are a testament to it. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor welcomed New Year in ...