Amon Goeth, memorably portrayed by Ralph Fiennes in Steven Spielberg’s movie “Schindler’s List,” was the SS commandant of the Plaszow forced labor and concentration camp, who relaxed by ...
Jennifer Lopez once famously teamed up alongside actor Ralph Fiennes for the 2002 feature ... such as Voldemort from Harry Potter or Amon Goeth from Schindler’s List. But he took a break from ...
In 'Schindler's List,' Ralph Fiennes rose to global acclaim for his portrayal of the ruthless character "Amon Goethe." Directed by Steven Spielberg, this marked only his second film, showcasing ...
Seven years ago, she found out by coincidence, that she's the granddaughter of Amon Goeth, the notorious commandant of Plaszow concentration camp, played by Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List.