Late blight is an old foe of humans. This disease catalysed the devastating Irish potato famine that began in 1845. It is caused by a fungus-like pathogen, which quickly kills a potato plant and ...
Trials carried out by Orion Future Technologies, working with Hutchinsons and Richard Austin Agriculture, have revealed how the application of silicon biostimulants can have a positive effect on ...
Farmers are increasingly demanding potato varieties that are higher-yielding and less susceptible to disease, particularly late blight, which caused the Irish Potato Famine of the mid-19th century ...
Farmers are increasingly demanding potato varieties that are higher-yielding and less susceptible to disease, particularly late blight, which caused the Irish Potato Famine of the mid-19th century ...
said fog and pollution damage potato crop by causing diseases like early blight, late blight and black leg. “Fungicides should be sprayed to prevent blight disease. It is important to rotate ...
The European potato sector is expected to see a drop ... and after plantings caused one of the largest late blight pressures ever." Farmers are feeling the effects of this challenging year firsthand.