It’s been a while since we’ve heard about that made-up rogue planet Nbiru, which some believed would pop-up to collide with or otherwise majorly disrupt Earth’s orbit, spelling doom for all ...
Marvel notes that Valeria is the only person on the planet Doom respects and even loves, but that still might not be enough to save her family. Speaking about the issue, writer Ryan North says ...
Red Hulk writer Benjamin Percy reveals details on the new Marvel series that ties into the Doctor Doom event "One World Under Doom." ...
The Dark Ages will focus on the Doom Slayer's history on the planet Argent D'Nur, featuring medieval elements, new weapons, and mechanics. Fans may receive more details about Doom: The Dark Ages ...
This is higher than the record set in the previous year. The planet also experienced extreme weather, including hurricanes and extreme heat, which is expected to continue as a result of man-made ...
The kickoff of an earth-shattering arc and a perfect jumping-on point! Doctor Doom is Emperor of the entire planet! And everyone is…happy about it?! Governments and populations all over kowtow ...