Pixar is making a sequel to beloved animated film Inside Out, the studio announced on Friday at D23, the Disney fan expo. Amy Poehler, who voiced the emotion Joy in the original 2015 film ...
Kelsey Mann felt a little anxious when he was called to an unexpected meeting with Pixar bosses late in 2019. But rather than something bad, the meeting turned out to be an invitation to come up ...
One consultant on the episode says the company is "asking someone to play someone they're not" by changing a character voiced by trans actress Chanel Stewart to cisgender.
Disney+ has released the first full trailer for Pixar’s upcoming anthology series, Win or Lose . The show is inspired by Inside Out , and you can easily see the tie-ins in this trailer. The characters ...
Win or Lose, Pixar's first original series, is releasing next month on Disney Plus. The company has released trailers for two big projects in a row: Daredevil Born Again (March 4) and now Win or Lose, ...