Christopher Nolan's movie "Oppenheimer" tells the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer. As the director of the Manhattan Project's Los Alamos Laboratory in the 1940s, the physicist is known as the ...
Nolan loves to tell a disjointed, stream-of-consciousness narrative, and Oppenheimer is no different ... future (though it may be uncertain which timeline is truly “the present”) creating ...
Well, how about some of these movies? They aren't all war films, but we think that they definitely match the tone, atmosphere or just serious dad energy of Oppenheimer. Despite being set a whole ...
The death toll weighs heavily on Oppenheimer's conscience in the movie but the potential risks to people closer to home is a storyline that was not explored. "They [the filmmakers] never gave any ...
Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan’s drama about ... portraying the protagonist’s bitter rival, praised the movie as a “masterpiece.” In winning best director, Nolan fended off Greta Gerwig ...
23, 2024 7:57 a.m. NEW YORK — After a tumultuous movie year marred by strikes and ... on Christopher Nolan’s blockbuster biopic, “Oppenheimer,” which came away with a leading 13 nominations.