"Art Passes Us By revitalises a community through a dynamic new art precinct, where a luminous gallery and flowing spaces unite culture and creativity, preserving local identity amidst rapid urban ...
Tutors: Dr Sara Padgett Kjaersgaard, Dr Nicole Gardner, Associate Professor Mariano Ramirez, Associate Professor Bernadette Hardy, Linden Crane, Dr Andrew Mackenzie, Simon Lloyd, Dr Melissa Cate ...
The company director ranks getting consensus on the Archibald Prize as one of his toughest gigs, as he hands over the Art Gallery of NSW chairmanship after 16 years.
Scientists from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia claim to have identified three new types of TOPCon solar module failures that were never detected in PERC panels.
Dezeen School Shows: a former power station outside Sydney, reimagined to produce sustainable fashion is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at University of New South Wales Sydney.