Photos of Neha Kakkar went viral where she is seen crying while the police arrest her for a scam. However, turns out that the ...
Actor Himansh Kohli who gave a groundbreaking performance in 2014 Yaariyan got married to Vini, who has no history in Bollywood. The actor kept it super intimate with his family and close friends and ...
Earlier, a controversy involving Abhijeet Bhattacharya and Neha Kakkar hit the headlines after the former took a dig at the ...
Neha Kakkar was falsely linked to a trading scam through AI-generated photos showing her arrest. These images were manipulated, with her face morphed onto another person. The scam previously duped ...
India TV Fact Check: A picture circulating on social media claims that the police have arrested Bollywood singer Neha Kakkar. However, when India TV fact-checked this claim, it has been proved to ...