In the anime and manga series that is My Hero Academia, Class 1-A’s Shoto Todoroki is a badass ice and fire user who constantly pushes himself to his limits to become the hero he has always ...
making Bakugo one of the My Hero Academia characters who would have extremely powerful Domain Expansion. Todoroki Shoto's Domain Expansion would merge his ice and fire control, thus creating a ...
Shoto Todoroki ... effect of the Ice Quirk. This essentially made Shoto almost invincible in battle, provided he mastered its powers. As seen in the Final War Saga of My Hero Academia, Shoto ...
My Hero Academia’s Joint Training Exercise ... powering his way through both Todoroki’s ice and fire powers. With Shoto realizing that the ice abilities he inherited from his mother weren ...
My Hero Academia explored Toya Todoroki’s fall ... When Enji finds out that Toya has inherited a strong version of his fire quirk, but the ice resistant body of his mother, he starts to pull ...
Toya Todoroki, also known as Dabi, fought Endeavor and Shoto before his tragic death. Toya's death was confirmed 8 years after the Final War, leaving an impact on Shoto Todoroki. Shoto honors Toya ...
Todoroki might prove to be a marksman par excellence where his ice could be used for precision and fire could be used for offense. He is one of the My Hero Academia students who could have been ...