Mr Kumar says Om Prakash had several brushes with the law even before the alleged murder - he allegedly stole a car in 1986 and, four years later, a motorbike, a sewing machine and a scooter.
Om Prakash Chautala, the former chief minister of Haryana and leader of the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) party, died on Friday (Dec 20) at the age of 89. Chautala reportedly suffered cardiac ...
We are talking about none other than Mr. Om Prakash, who was a well-known character actor, renowned mostly for his comic roles. Om Prakash’s journey in films, as RJ and more Before embarking on ...
Om Prakash, who was a key suspect in the Pattoor goonda attack case, had also been in police custody about a month ago in ...
leader Om Prakash Chautala died at the age of 89 at his Gurgaon residence following a cardiac arrest. Born in Sirsa on January 1, 1935, Mr Chautala first became the Haryana chief minister in 1989 ...
Mr. Juneja’s registered date of birth is January 7, 1941 but his actual date of birth remains unknown. As a result of partition, all the documents including birth certificates and deeds of land ...