Move over, truffles. There's another fantastic fungi mushroom lovers need to know about that are relatively rare and have an ...
Can you imagine a mushroom so precious it can cost more than gold? Matsutake, a Japanese autumn delicacy, are the envy of the ...
recalls venturing into the mountains one autumn with a friend to pick "matsutake" mushrooms, arguably one of the most prized delicacies in Japan. To savor the freshly-harvested matsutake with beer ...
Annual consumption of matsutake in Japan is about ... spiritual richness of the food culture we should be trying to protect. Substituting matsutake with other mushrooms if matsutake are not ...
An curved arrow pointing right. Matsutake mushrooms harvested in Japan can cost over $500 per kilogram. Mushroom foragers like Gihei Fujiwara search for matsutake once a year around early fall.
Japan’s standard for radioactive cesium in general food is 100 becquerels per kilogram. The levels in Tanagura’s matsutake mushrooms are still three times that. Tanagura’s matsutake had a ...
When I think of autumn in Japan, I think of chestnuts, matsutake mushrooms and persimmons ... We enjoy the appearance of food and the thoughts they evoke. So when you bite into a beautiful ...