Three months after a devastating flash flood, the village of Malana in Kullu remains isolated due to the unrepaired 8 km road. Villagers face hardship, carrying patients on stretchers for medical aid.
Delhi Police recently busted a drug cartel. The cartel was smuggling ... an unexpected consequence — the sole access road to Malana village was rendered impassable, cutting it off from the ...
Let's look at some of ... visiting. Malana, Himachal Pradesh: Located in the Parvati Valley, Malana is renowned for its Himalayan views and unique culture. Known as the 'village of taboos ...
A devastating fire engulfed a two-and-a-half-storey house in the Bechin area near Malana village in Kullu district ... the largest selling English daily in North India, publishes news and views ...
The residents of the historic Malana village in Parbati valley of this district ... The Tribune, the largest selling English daily in North India, publishes news and views without any bias or ...
However, it is currently being used by pedestrians Without road connectivity for about four months, the remote Malana village in Kullu district is set to get a ropeway link, the installation of ...