The protagonist of the series, Luffy, is the leader of the Straw Hat Pirates, and under his command, the crew has gone on to achieve the impossible many times. Right now, Luffy and the Straw Hat ...
One such element is Monkey D. Luffy’s patented straw hat, which obviously gave Luffy’s crew their name as the Straw Hat Pirates. In creating the Grand Line, the streaming service had to make ...
One Piece's First Timeskip Happened After The Summit War Luffy tried to save Ace The Straw Hats decided to train for two years Timeskips are an efficient way for an author to strengthen his ...
Even after his loss to the Straw Hat pirate, Katakuri can only grin upon hearing he escaped the wrath of Big Mom. But thanks to new circumstances in the world of One Piece, Luffy and Katakuri may ...
Here is a breakdown of just how much the Straw Hat Pirates are now worth thanks to their latest exploits in the isolated nation of Wano: Luffy – 3,000,000,000 Zoro – 1,111,000,000 ...
Luffy considers the Straw Hat Crew his family due to his negative experiences with his biological family. Oda assigned ...
Gerd, Goldberg, and Luffy catch up to Road and the other Straw Hats at this moment, with Gerd and Goldberg deciding to attack Road rather than assist him. As this happens, Luffy reunites with his ...
One Piece Chapter 1131 then returns focus to the group of Straw Hats Luffy split off from. They realize that Road, now out of his Sun God armor, is running after them across the rope bridge.