But a borough well-used to the pomp and ceremony of a royal procession is also a crime hotspot. It faces the day-to-day grind of muggings, thefts, and street assaults — and the problem shows no signs ...
Desmond's murder was one of almost 13,000 reported violent crimes in the central London borough of Westminster in 2017 - and his killers have still not been caught. It's the most violent borough ...
Westminster Council officers explained schools ... be reduced "to a level that is considered reasonable for an Inner London borough with significant mobility". They said because schools ...
Hyde Park This 350-acre Royal Park in the heart of London has no less than three children’s playgrounds ... Regent’s Park There are two good playgrounds in Regent’s Park that fall into the Westminster ...
With its huge green spaces, affluent neighbourhoods and artsy hubs, Richmond was named London’s happiest borough and the second happiest area nationally. The average house price in the borough is just ...