The Lion King is based on the landmark 1994 Disney animated film of the same name. The film's plot is partially inspirded by Shakespeare's Hamlet. The Lion King follows the journey of Simba ...
But the story shares many parallels with Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. This retelling wasn’t the original plan for Disney in the writing phase of The Lion King. Initially, they were looking to ...
Both films have royal families ... On the two-disc platinum edition of "The Lion King" the filmmakers have said the movie has been inspired by both "Hamlet" and the stories of Joseph and Moses ...
As a retelling of Shakespeare's "Hamlet," "The Lion King" has it all: drama, an interesting love story, personal growth, dynamic characters and a satisfying ending — all things "Mufasa ...
Some of those involved in the making of the original “Lion King” were fond of citing “Hamlet” as one of its influences, an amusing, self-aggrandizing association. Here, at least ...