Documentary following the lives of two Amish families leaving the only world they've ever known and trying to get to grips with the modern world. The Amish travel by horse and buggy and dress ...
Lloyd Smucker. Eleven of the siblings left the Amish church and lifestyle, with only Ruth Smucker Stoltzfus remaining. Sam Smucker, the first to leave, said he knew at a young age that the lifesty ... Author Saloma Furlong left the Amish at 20, and she recently helped Anna ...
When I left, I still didn't think leaving was the right thing to do." The post “Terrifying”: Ex-Amish Woman Opens Up About ...
Lovina Hershberger was 18 years old when she left her Amish community in Iowa. Now she posts on TikTok about what it's like ...
Ex-Amish influencer Lovina Hershberger detailed how she escaped from her Amish family and her 11 younger siblings with just ...