Aldi's story begins when Anna Albrecht, the mother of Karl and Theo Albrecht, opened a small grocery store in Essen, Germany. The store prioritized low prices and quality products. After World War ...
Theodor and Karl Albrecht took their mother's thrifty ... spans over a dozen countries across Europe and the US. Aldi, short for Albrecht discount, has become such a stakeholder in Europe that ...
Aldi's story begins when Anna Albrecht, the mother of Karl and Theo Albrecht, opened a small grocery store in Essen, Germany. The store prioritized low prices and quality products. After World War ...
The Albrecht brothers took over their mother's small store after fighting in World War II Aldi's origins date back to 1913, when Karl Albrecht Sr., a former coal miner, started trading in baked goods.
The brothers formally branded their business as Aldi in 1962, short for "Albrecht-Diskont" (Albrecht Discount). A disagreement between Karl and Theo about selling cigarettes led to the company's ...
Aldi's story begins when Anna Albrecht, the mother of Karl and Theo Albrecht, opened a small grocery store in Essen, Germany. The store prioritized low prices and quality products. After World War II, ...
Clean your oven with 2p item in just three minutes and lower risk of bacteria Aldi's story begins when Anna Albrecht, the mother of Karl and Theo Albrecht, opened a small grocery store in Essen, ...