The Advent season is about preparing our hearts, minds and souls to welcome the birth of the King of Kings. It is those magical and mystical weeks after Thanksgiving that lead to Christmas — and ...
They are the hope prophesied in the Old Testament; the peace of the Incarnation; the joy it brings; the love we can experience — and Jesus Christ as the culmination of all. When the first candle ...
In a world broken by sin, the season of hope we call Advent calls each one of us to turn our eyes to the stable in Bethlehem where Jesus Christ took on flesh and became one of us, to show us the way ...
Jesus’s birth, that we celebrate again and again, tells a story of deep hope and wisdom for everyone. More than that, it serves as a reminder that the baby in a manger brought God right into ...
“I just hope that your sight has been restored, and that you're seeing Jesus and that we can live in that hope.” Jennifer Kasunick — a life everyone says radiated with love and light.