In a futuristic version of medieval Japan, a band of swordsmen battles an evil warlord and his mechanical army of ninjas, and are aided by a mysterious heroic cyborg ninja, Shiranui.
Source: Getty Images Ninjas have infiltrated pop culture, but are they actually the black-clad assassins movies would have you believe? Japan's "last ninja" and ninja experts weigh in to clear up ...
For centuries, the ninja has occupied an alluring position in the public imagination. The covert warrior of feudal Japan, a favorite subject of movies and manga, has long been depicted as an agent ...
He is also the honorary director of the Iga-ryu Ninja Museum and a historical ninjutsu researcher and lecturer at Mie University. You can find more information about the Japan Ninja Council here ...
KOKA, Shiga Prefecture--Like the furtive ninja groups it hosted in feudal times, this city in western Japan still has secrets to spill. In this latest instance, researchers discovered the first ...
Traditional ninja group Kurondo is taking its show to Moscow for the first time to perform at the 21st “Nihon no Kokoro" (The Heart of Japan) Japanese music festival. Brandishing weapons ...
1990’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie was the first film adaptation ... send the Turtles traveling back in time to 1603 Japan, where they train to perfect the art of becoming one ...