Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN. 1. *Tanabe R, Miyazono K, Todo T, Saito N, Iwata C, Komuro A, Sakai S, Raja E, Koinuma D, Morikawa M, Westermark B, and ...
本文已被撤回:在图5D中,同一张Western blot图像被用于HT29和HCT116细胞组。作者无法使用原始数据进行修正。因此,编辑决定撤回此论文。所有作者都同意这一决定。上海交通大学有关部门已获悉该论文存在的问题。
Before testing this, however, it is necessary to further investigate the role of HOTAIR overexpression in cancer invasion and metastasis in animal models.
Our laboratory is focusing on identification of metastasis and tumor cell invasion-associated molecules, by using advanced molecular biology and the phage display technology. We are also developing ...