华盛顿 - 联邦贸易委员会(FTC)已对总部位于圣何塞的IntelliVision Technologies Corp.采取行动。该公司专门从事人工智能驱动的面部识别软件。FTC指控IntelliVision对其技术不存在种族和性别偏见做出了虚假和缺乏依据的声明。
Intellivision advertises its facial recognition with untenable claims. Not so, says the US authority FTC.
Claims that its facial recognition is free from gender and racial bias and is among the most accurate on the market were not ...
A software provider won’t be allowed to lie about the accuracy of its artificial intelligence-powered facial recognition ...
Atari announced The First Console War on Friday, and it’s about, as you can guess, the company’s first console war with the ...
Software provider IntelliVision Technologies Corp. is prohibited from lying about the accuracy of its facial recognition ...
The Federal Trade Commission has filed a complaint against IntelliVision Technologies Corp., a San Jose-based company, for ...