Despite its intriguing concept and comic book origins, the film was a commercial and critical failure upon release but has ...
Which was the first big-screen Marvel movie? Most of you would probably ... Comics hero to get his own film was none other than Howard the Duck. The comedic character, who was indeed a part ...
What If… continues its series of zany speculative adventures involving fan-favorite characters from across the Marvel ...
First is the cigar smoking drake Howard from the duck's planet. A few kids try to keep him from the greedy scientists and help him back to his planet. But then a much less friendly being arrives ...
Comic fantasy adventure with Tim Robbins and Lea Thompson as the earthlings working with alien duck Howard to save the world from overlord Jeffrey Jones. Flashing ...
The fourth episode of What If...?, titled "What If... Howard The Duck Got Hitched?", features an easy-to-miss shot of two ...
Season 3 brings back major MCU players that have been set aside for a while, while giving more screen time to a fan-favorite character.
What If has already introduced some bizarre variants but the new Marvel character it introduced might be the strangest yet.