Nearly two centuries after the ships sank, divers exploring the HMS Erebus wreck have discovered an array of "fascinating artifacts," including pistols, coins and even an intact thermometer ...
HMS Endurance has located the wreck of the cruise liner M/S Explorer, which sank in Antarctic waters last year, reported the Royal Navy ice patrol ship. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office ...
A High Court battle over the artefacts on the wreck of a British warship has ruled they should remain with the ship. HMS Victory, was lost in a storm off the Channel Islands in 1744 and found in ...
HMS Stephen Furness was steaming through the ... Now my colleagues and I believe we've found the wreck site about ten miles off the east coast of Northern Ireland. Our discovery is the result ...
Lying in its watery grave, at a depth of a little over 50 meters off the East coast, the world's first aircraft carrier, HMS Hermes is Sri Lanka's star ... has found attempts to remove one of the ...