the giant robots of Gundam. Four decades after the sci-fi anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam" debuted on Japanese television, plastic models lifted from the saga are as popular as ever. Toymaker ...
The 18-meter-tall giant was unveiled in December ... The man, a huge Gundam fan since building his first plastic model of the iconic robot in his junior high school days, will also see the final ...
Now, the popular anime robot Gundam is set to tower over the ... It will mark the first display of such a giant Gundam in the Kansai region in western Japan. The Gundam will be kneeling on ...
It is quite enormous and not easy to carry around, but the smaller RX-78-2 Gundam Hard Shell Case is, and it fits inside the 3D robot head along with your AirPods. In addition to what's considered ...