In the forthcoming second season of Gotham, young Bruce Wayne will continue on his path toward having increasingly distinct personalities for his day-to-day life and his “investigative” life ...
For the Gotham ... that Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle will finally figure out a way to be together, your wish may soon be granted. Coming into the second half of Gotham‘s fourth season ...
Warning: Spoilers for Absolute Batman #1Batman has always had a complicated relationship with his villains. Some of them, like the Joker, are his complete antithesis, while others are just damaged ...
In this week's Detective Comics #1092 from Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin, Bruce Wayne is out on a night in Gotham when he is stopped by a mugger with a gun in a dark alley, demanding money and jewellery.
A luxury townhouse inspired by fictional Gotham City billionaire Bruce Wayne has opened its doors, and the Automobili Pininfarina Battista hyper GT leads a world-class exhibition of highly-curated ...