“‘Hidden’ gluten refers to the gluten that is either not mentioned on a product label in a way that is obvious or is in products that may not seem likely to contain gluten but do,” according to the ...
So, in a bid save myself money and disappointment, I started to change my food habits. Here’s what I learned. Pancakes don't have to be off the menu if your follow a gluten-free diet – these ...
Coeliac disease causes symptoms including vomiting and diarrhoea and is caused by an abnormal immune system reaction to the protein gluten which is found in foods such as bread, pasta, cereals and ...
Coeliac disease is not a food allergy or intolerance – it is an autoimmue disease. There is no cure and you must follow a gluten-free diet for life, even if your symptoms are mild. Reported ...
People following the candida diet limit or avoid certain foods, such as sugar, gluten, alcohol, and some dairy products, that may promote the growth of Candida yeast in the body. The diet also ...
We seem to be in the midst of a gluten-free frenzy, or is this merely another food fad? It seems like just ... However, many individuals adhere to a gluten-free diet not because they have celiac ...