Depending on the program you are applying for, you may need to provide a personal statements as part of your application. Below are the questions for each of our graduate programs. School of ...
We can only consider the personal statement submitted via UCAS. We expect that your submitted Personal Statement is structured and coherent and that you fully utilise the space available on your UCAS ...
The personal statement is a very important part of your professional school application. You will address important issues about yourself, usually related to why you want to enter a particular career.
The Personal History Statement helps reviewers learn more about you as a whole person and as a potential graduate student. This may include relevant details on community service, leadership roles, ...
The Academic Statement of Purpose and the Personal History Statement are two of the most important documents in your graduate application. The documents should be concise, clear, and free of spelling, ...
your personal statement (if requested) your research proposal (for relevant programmes only). Some programmes may also have additional requirements specified in the application form, which will need ...
Your personal statement is a very important part of a UCAS application, as it tells admission officers why you're a great candidate to study at their university. There is some information you ...