The Union Jack is one of the most recognized flags in the world. The national flag of the United Kingdom and also known as the Union Flag, its origins can be traced back to the early 1600s.
1606年4月12日制定的国旗,是由英格兰的圣乔治十字旗和苏格兰的圣安德鲁旗交叉合并而成,但和现在的有点不一样,没有红色的斜杠(所谓的圣帕特里克十字)。 1801年,爱尔兰加入大不列颠,组成联合王国,爱尔兰圣帕特里克的白底红色交叉旗与当时的国旗合并,从而形成了今天的米字旗。
Hundreds of Australians are advocating for a new national flag that would unite us all under one banner, after Peter Dutton declared he would not stand in front of Aboriginal and Torres Strait ...
I FOUND it somewhat amusing that Geoff from Launceston decided it was time to give the federal opposition leader a history ...