R星宣布,在线模式“破坏行动探员”更新将于12月10日推出。在此次惊心动魄的内容更新中, 前 FIB 特工、现叛逃探员茱迪·马歇尔对其前上司心怀深重怨恨。她依然保有进入 FIB 档案系统的后门权限,并且不惜利用这些机密信息牟取私利。
GTA 5 update 1.52 is now live, and this brings GTA Online's "Agents of Sabotage" content drop. Read on for what's new with today's patch.
“Grand Theft Auto 5”. It has new updates; including GTA Online: Agents of Sabotage. First in GTA Online: Agents of Sabotage; The FIB Files is now available, and requires players to use ...