Throughout the series, contestants have the opportunity to meet various cast members from the Harry Potter films, including Evanna Lynch, who portrayed Luna Lovegood. The 33-year-old actress hails ...
Throughout the show, the bakers get the opportunity to meet various Harry Potter cast members, including Evanna Lynch, who portrayed Luna Lovegood, as she shares cherished memories from her time ...
Good luck messages from JK Rowling and Emma Watson weren't enough to push Harry Potter star Evanna Lynch to glory in the Dancing with the Stars final. The actress, who played Luna Lovegood in the ...
If there's one book and movie series that revolutionized the fantasy world, it's Harry Potter, originally penned by British author J. K. Rowling. It tells the adventures of the young wizarding ...
Throughout the show, the bakers get the chance to meet various Harry Potter cast members, including Evanna Lynch, who portrayed Luna Lovegood, as she shares cherished memories from her time on set.