The European Commission has set the volume of emissions allowances to be auctioned in the first year of a potentially ...
The auction was the first quarterly auction since the carbon-market program survived an initiative challenge last month.
Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala has said the government will not submit a bill that would introduce emission allowances for transport and households in the Czech Republic, known as ETS 2. The prime ...
The Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) published today the report on the fourth compliance period of the Cap-and-Trade ...
The UK is expanding its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), these efforts hope to help the UK achieve net-zero emissions ...
“Member states must prepare for ETS2 now by putting in place strong complementary measures that will lower emissions, reducing the demand for allowances once the market begins, and reducing the ...