Condition Lab has created a series of machines powered by the movement of the wind to capture fleeting moments of time on paper. The project calls into question the process of drawing and memory ...
sheet metal drawing wire, bar, and tube drawing. Sheet metal drawbenches and drawing machines involve plastic deformation over a curved axis. The flow and stretch of material is necessary for ...
Not all of us have CNC machines, laser cutters and 3D printers, and I’ll bet most of us didn’t start out that well equipped. The low-cost drawing machine that [jegatheesan] made for his ...
Google's Quick, Draw! online activity provides a fun and easy introduction to machine learning. The online game challenges players to draw a few different objects and uses artificial intelligence to ...
While those kids were all distracted, [Justinwong777] and his buddy [Brett] found a bunch of scrap wood and built this laser drawing machine in their school’s makerspace. You operate it as you ...