Sewa Diwali Volunteers Donated More than 3,000 Pounds of Food Volunteers for the Sewa Diwali food drive donated 3,003 pounds ...
Sewa Diwali is a nationwide effort by local volunteer and partners to collect and donate food items to local food pantries ...
The Lamb Burrah at the One Michelin starred Indienne in Chicago, rated as the finest Indian diner in the US Image : Neil John ...
Further south, the Dunedin Indian Association also celebrated the city's Diwali Festival at the Edgar Centre on the same day.
More than 700 people danced, ate, and sang to celebrate Diwali Saturday night at the Genesis Centre in northeast Calgary. It was the annual “Festival of Light” sponsored by the India Society ...
The Valley Indian Seniors Association (VISA) hosted a Diwali party for its monthly meeting, featuring the traditional food, dance and attire for this unique festival of lights observed by ...
The Chatham Indian Community for those of Indian descent, relation and interest hosted its annual celebration of Diwali on Saturday, Nov. 23 at the Aashiwaad Palace in Randolph Township.
The Hindu Students’ Association sold-out Diwali show celebrated South Asian culture with vibrant performances, stunning decor ...