The terrifying plight depicted in the swashbuckling animated film, “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train,” has struck a chord with pandemic-era Japan, and possibly with the world.
Japanese animated film “Demon Slayer” shattered a box-office record, reaching revenue of 10.75 billion yen ($102.48 million) in just 10 days, the film’s distributor said on Monday.
The Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Infinity Castle movies received a new "Crow reveal" trailer at CCXP 2024. Revealed on December 8 at the Thunder Stage, the trailer previews the trio of films set to ...
The animated film "Demon Slayer—Kimetsu no Yaiba—The Movie: Mugen Train" has smashed Japanese box office records, becoming the highest grossing movie in the country's history. It has pulled in ...