A Cred user has claimed that despite winning a jackpot worth Rs 3.25 lakh, the company cancelled it citing a ‘technical glitch’. Aviral Sangal @sangalaviral took to microblogging platform X ...
Founded by Kunal Shah, CRED has been one of the fastest-growing unicorns in India. It has raised over $800 Mn including the latest Series F Funding in June this year. The company claims to have 9 ...
Every team member at CRED, regardless of their tenure or job profile, gets a stake in the company. Kunal Shah-led CRED has increased its employee stock option (ESOPs) pool by $143 million taking ...
CRED, the fintech platform founded by Kunal Shah is extremely popular with multiple products targeting India’s affluent segment. But the question of profitability looms large. Shah, in an interview to ...
CRED has added more pieces to its super club play this year but how will these fit into the company’s revenue stack In the past 18 months, the Kunal Shah-led startup has pushed forward on UPI ...
Due to London Stock Exchange licensing terms, we stipulate that you must be a private investor. We apologise for the inconvenience. To access our Live RNS you must confirm you are a private ...
The accused allegedly forged signatures and seals on Corporate Internet Banking (CIB) forms, facilitating the fraudulent transfer of Rs 12.51 crore to 17 different bank accounts.