One of the things they will usually examine is your creatinine levels. This is because your creatinine levels can provide important information about kidney function and overall health.
Similarly, low creatinine levels can be due to various factors, from dietary choices to muscle mass and more. This article discusses what constitutes low creatinine levels, the potential causes ...
Patients in the ≥ 101% increment group had a higher mean serum creatinine level with respect to their baseline level (114.72% vs. 37.96%) at hospital discharge. This was an adjusted 48.92% (95% ...
Serum creatinine levels are used to help calculate the MELD (model for end-stage liver disease) score. Several laboratory methods for measuring serum creatinine levels have been devised to ...
However, this paradoxical association may be an artifact resulting from the inaccuracy of using plasma creatinine levels to estimate glomerular filtration rates in patients with severely impaired ...