Carrying credit card debt can be a big drain on household budgets. Consumer Investigator Rachel DePompa talks to NerdWallet about ways to address and pay down that debt.
Debt settlement and debt consolidation might be easy to mix up, but they both offer very different approaches to tackling debt. CNBC Select explains how debt consolidation and settlement work ...
Debt consolidation can be an excellent way to get multiple debts under control and paid off quicker. It allows you to merge them into one loan with a fixed interest and a single monthly payment.
it could be a good time to consider a debt consolidation loan. The Federal Reserve lowered its benchmark interest rates three times in 2024, cumulatively dropping the Fed rate a full percentage ...
A debt consolidation loan offers a potential solution to high-rate credit card debt — but is now the right time to pursue one? We spoke with industry professionals about the advantages and ...