Maybe ditching Chrome OS for Android will work out for Google, but I'm worried I'll lose some of my favorite features.
谷歌内部人士透露,谷歌计划将Chrome ...
【ITBEAR】近期,有关谷歌正在秘密研发一款名为“Google Pixel Laptop”的高端笔记本电脑的消息在科技圈内悄然流传。这款笔记本的内部代号为“Snowy”,预示着谷歌或将再次以Pixel品牌发力硬件市场,尽管其Chromebook ...
在科技行业的激烈竞争中,谷歌最新推出的Pixel笔记本电脑备受关注。内部代号为“Snowy”的这款高端笔记本,不禁让人期待,谷歌会如何在这个已经被苹果MacBook Pro等强者占领的市场中找寻自己的位置? 值得期待的“Snowy” 谷歌自2017年停止Chromebook Pixel系列以来,似乎有些沉寂。然而,最近我们听说谷歌正在研发的新款“Google Pixel Laptop”,预示着它对 ...
The news comes from Android Headlines, which claims to have seen an internal Google email that suggests the so-called Pixel ...
据报道,谷歌员工将其与苹果的 MacBook Pro、戴尔的 XPS 系列、微软的 Surface Laptop 和三星的 Galaxy Chromebook 进行比较,因此它在制造质量上应该是高端的,旨在占据高端笔记本电脑市场的一席之地。
If you're using your laptop mainly for browsing the internet, this is the best deal you can get.
【CNMO科技消息】自2013年谷歌推出首款Chromebook Pixel以来,“Pixel”这一名称便成为谷歌硬件产品线的重要标志。尽管Chromebook ...
When space is at a premium, it helps to have a two-in-one like Lenovo's Chromebook Duet that can keep up with light travel ...
Google is working on a multi-year project to fully migrate Chrome OS to Android as part of an effort to better compete with ...