A balance needs to be struck which moves away from the home as a semi-sterile environment but doesn't put children at risk of disease because they are not kept clean enough.' ...
Getting children to clean up their messes can be a chore onto itself, but child-behavior experts say teaching kids to pick up after themselves doesn't necessarily have to make a mess of your nerves.
Philip Landrigan, MD Dir, Children's Environmental Health Ctr. Well, two of the most dangerous cleaning products are drain cleaners and furniture polish: Drain cleaners are incredibly hazardous to ...
While keeping your home clean and tidy is necessary, certain cleaning products can pose a risk to children — especially younger ones — if used incorrectly. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the age ...
"We thought it was a good way to make sure everyone and the children respect our school and respect our environment," she said. But there is one class exempt from cleaning duties, reception ...