The producers of “Madoff: Made Off With America,” the unofficial story of the Bernard Madoff scandal, have cast Paul Cohen, a Jersey City, N.J., resident and newspaper advertising executive ...
Bernie Madoff, a Wall Street financier disgraced after he admitted to one of the biggest frauds in US financial history, has died in prison at age 82. His death was announced by the Bureau of Prisons.
Adaptation of journalist Diana B. Henriques' account of financier Bernie Madoff's orchestration of one of the largest frauds in U.S. history. The scandal led to financial ruin for thousands of ...
Michelle Pfeiffer will return to television as Ruth Madoff in "Wizard of Lies," an HBO movie about Bernie Madoff's (Robert De Niro) infamous Ponzi scheme. The wife of convicted Ponzi scheme ...
On December 11, 2008, the financial world was rocked by the arrest of Bernard Madoff, a man once revered as a titan on Wall Street. His name had long been synonymous with trust and success in ...