Honey bees, wasps, field wasps and hornets gather at a drinking trough filled with water or sugar water and enjoy drinking the energizing liquid. Especially in the fall, when the insect colonies ...
The USDA hails the effort to expunge the northern giant hornet from Washington state as ... a "slaughter phase" where it decapitates honey bees and destroys a hive in as little as 90 minutes.
Hornets are bad news for pollinators like bees, as hornets think they're a tasty snack. Ecologists say they've destroyed many honeybee colonies in France and Italy. The UK Centre for Ecology ...
The murder hornets were first discovered ... which can kill an entire honey bee hive in “as little as 90 minutes,” decapitate bees and threaten pollinators and native insects.
Unfortunately, the murder hornet isn’t the only invasive bee-killing wasp that’s stirring up trouble in the U.S as of late. And both native and farmed bees are still facing many other dangers ...
The 2-inch-long hornet, with a stinger longer than that of a typical wasp, can deliver potent venom, but is largely dangerous to bees and other insects, not humans. Eradication efforts started ...