The Animated Series" returned to play key roles. Kevin Conroy provides the voice of Batman, and Mark Hamill returns as the Joker. "The Killing Joke" is scheduled to be released on Digital HD and ...
It’s incredible, and that’s ultimately maybe [Joker‘s] greatest legacy ... among the most acclaimed episodes of the animated series, won Batman a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding ...
We wanted to use Bruce Timm’s designs from Batman the animated series and get Mark Hamill to do the voice. Unfortunately, Warner Brothers said no.” But while the Joker/Powerpuff Girls ...
There was a hint of romance between Zach's Joker and Will Arnett in the title role of The Lego Batman Movie Nothing clears the head quite like some animated violence, and it was The Hangover star ...
Also, Batman's triumphant comeback gets the attention of The Joker, who’s rejuvenated by ... The comic would then be adapted into a two-part animated direct-to-video film in 2012 and 2013.