Bill Hader's acclaimed dark comedy series on HBO, Barry, is a better follow-up to Dexter than Dexter's own official spin-off, ...
Just over a year after the series finale of Barry aired on HBO, Bill Hader is returning to the premium cable channel for a brand-new comedy series. Itâ s hard to imagine anyone being able to ...
These days, it's Max -- not HBO Max -- that delivers HBO to the streaming masses. The service is home to popular shows like ...
The AFRO knows what it’s like to endure challenging times. John H. Murphy, Sr., a former enslaved man founded the AFRO in 1892 with $200 from his wife, Martha Howard Murphy. Together they ...
The Michael Mann series Tokyo Vice is released ... In addition, the return of one of HBO's most important and award-winning comedies of recent times: Barry. In addition, and as a highlight ...
Ralph Fiennes, who famously portrayed Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter film franchise, has shared his thoughts on who should take over the iconic villain's role in the upcoming HBO series.