The new NSM211x series of current sensors from NOVOSENSE are designed for multiple applications from automotive to fuel-cell ...
The global ADAS sensors market is expected to boost sales at an impressive 14.1% CAGR over the forecast period, with the ...
Molex's packaging design, which minimizes size and weight, make the sensors well-suited for plug-and-play applications.
The automotive emergency braking system industry was valued at around USD 29.5 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach USD ...
在科技日新月异的今天,思瑞浦携手全球领先的汽车制造商,共同推出了ASN(Automotive Sensor ...
思瑞浦公告,公司于近日发布新产品ASN(Automotive Sensor Network)汽车传感器网络收发器。ASN是高可靠性长距离车载无损音频总线芯片,应用于智能座舱音频系统,解决具有点对点模拟连接特征的包括电缆重量、电缆成本、布线难题和多重连接的可靠性等诸多挑战,可实现汽车领域的先进音频和声学应用,包括音频ECU、主动降噪、路噪降噪、音频分区、紧急通话eCall等,实现回声消除、配合麦克风 ...
智通财经APP讯,思瑞浦 (688536.SH)发布公告,公司于近日发布新产品ASN (Automotive Sensor Network)汽车传感器网络收发器。
ISO26262 defines an Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) of A, B, C, or D, with D being the most critical. Each level ...
Devices called encoders, located inside the sensors on autonomous cars, convert motion and other information acquired on the ...
上证报中国证券网讯 12月12日,思瑞浦正式发布旗下创新产品——ASN(Automotive Sensor Network)汽车传感器网络收发器。这一解决方案专为车载音频传输应用设计,由思瑞浦与全球头部车厂联合研发。 思瑞浦在产品发布会上表示,ASN产品具有超高性价比、超长传输距离、更强的总线供电、更多的传感器级联等优势。 思瑞浦还表示,ASN产品已通过众多主机厂和Tier1的验证,自2024年1 ...